Essential union staff, your Executive Board and I are continuing to work with Dr. Adams and the St. Louis Board of Education for the good of the children, our members and the community.
Special thanks to the elected board for working with us during this extremely difficult time.
I hope this communication finds you well and that you continue to follow CDC and local COVID-19 guidelines and are staying healthy.
The good news is that Dr. Adams and I have reached agreement in moving forward to keep all of our Exempt and Non-Exempt members of our Collective Bargaining Group employed and paid for the foreseeable future. This will require all of us to step up, think outside of the box and perform work that may be out of our comfort zone. This is a time for collective flexibility. This is no time for “business as usual.”
The Take Away:
Each of us, salaried and hourly, employees willing to work can find a place within the SLPS Virtual Learning initiative. This requires new and different work expectations, personal responsibility and accountability. I believe we can do it.
Highlights-Expectations During Pandemic
*Be alert and responsive to emails.
*Take part in on-line and/or telephone meetings
*Meet accountability deadlines for tasks, projects, assignments by supervisors
*Be available and responsive during your regular working hours and perform tasks as assigned
*As KRONOS will not utilized your attendance will be based on your availability and responsiveness to assigned tasks
*Unavailability or refusal may result in being marked “absent” and require use of PTO or sick days. If you have zero days remaining you may be marked “unpaid.”
*You may NOT work another job during District work hours while be paid by SLPS
*You may be assigned tasks and responsibilities that are outside of your job description, that help in the new distance learning initiative
*You may be asked to help in communication with parents/guardians (or colleagues)
*You may special skills that could be utilized during this initiative (Technology, Health Certification) speak up
*Flexibility on your part in your assignments will help us continue to deliver educational opportunity and support for students during this emergency
If you are unable or unwilling to perform these tasks and duties, or would need assistance/training, tell your supervisor immediately.
Your union and the district thank you for your service and dedication.
Ray Cummings
for AFT St. Louis, Local 420, AFLCIO